Secret tips to search on Google
( Be a pro Researcher ) Everyday we all use google. We search so many things on it. But many of us don't know about the secret search operators of google. You have to know the uses of these operators. This operators will help you to findout the exact information. Cause when you search on google without any operator, it shows so many result where many of are unnecessary. Sometime you cannot find the result that you are looking for. But the result is so important for you. Do you know why this thing happen? It happens cause you are not using the operator. So it's very important for us to know these operators. click here.. Search Operators: cache : [cache:www.your web] will show the cached content with the word “web” highlighted. This functionality is also accessible by clicking on the “Cached” link on your subject’s main results page. The query [cache:] will show the version of the web page that your subject has in its cache. For ...